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Wallet Case Samsung Galaxy A42 5g

Price : 38.94 $
The Samsung Galaxy A42 5G is a budget smartphone that offers a lot of features for its price. One of the standout features is its 5G support, which enables faster internet speeds and more reliable connections. The phone also comes with a quad camera system which means it can take high quality photos and videos. In terms of performance, the A42 5G is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and has 4GB of RAM. That should be powerful enough for most users, but those who want to use demanding apps or games might find the phone sluggish. Overall, the Galaxy A42 5G is a great option for those who want to experience 5G without breaking the bank.
Wallet Case Samsung Galaxy A42 5g with pictures
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Custom Samsung Galaxy A42 5g Wallet case

Both functional and versatile, the slim Mobilinnov Wallet Book case for Samsung Galaxy A42 5g offers card pockets, one ID window. Plus it has a built-in viewing stand. It's just the right combination of an elegant wallet and a protective case. Each Wallet Book is individually handcrafted and printed with meticulous attention to detail to preserve the unique characteristics.

  • Easy access to all ports and buttons
  • Camera lens/flash opening
  • Designed specifically for the Samsung Galaxy A42 5g
Brand: Samsung

The following shipping costs and delivery times from orders that are placed on Mobilinnov. For an approximate delivery date, add the delivery time with Production time indicated.

Eco Delivery : By letter without tracking number

Up to3/5 business days for United Kingdom - 5,00 EUR

Express Delivery : By specialized carrier with tracking number
Parcels delivered against signature
Up to 1/2 business days - 15,00 EUR

Production time is calculated daily based on the number of orders we have waiting to be printed.

Production time : 4 days
Shipped between 30/04/2024 and 03/05/2024

Samsung Galaxy A42 5g case in a beautiful gift packaging

We have the attention to detail. Your product will be delivered in an elegant box. Ideal for a gift to offer. gift cases

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