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Create your custom case


Wallet Case Nokia Lumia 635

Price : 38.94 $

Bored of the standard cases for Nokia smartphones? Why not create your own totally unique, customised phone case for your Nokia Lumia 635 with our exclusive design tool, and discover the unlimited design possibilities with Mobilinnov! Simply attach one of your favourite photographs – perhaps of family, holidays, pets, or loved ones; your own artwork or drawings; or other images; maybe even adding some text and a background, then choose one of our stylish design layouts. In just a few, simple steps you’ve created your own personal customised phone case as unique as you are!

If you’d like a little inspiration in creating your mobile phone case, then we can help here too! We offer our customers an impressive variety of custom phone case designs, created by our own team of talented and original artists, exclusively for our customers, with hundreds of styles and themes as wide-ranging as you could possibly imagine. Our innovative print technique means your customised phone case will boast the brightest, sharpest images and colours, in an excellent print quality with a choice of matte or glossy finishes.

Our personalised Nokia phone cases are made from premium materials to ensure the best possible protection, over the longest possible time, for your Nokia Lumia 635 mobile phone. Our hard custom mobile cases are made from a strong polycarbonate material and we can also offer silicone personalised Nokia cases, made from a tough and durable gel material with a non-slip coating for improved grip to reduce the chance of your Nokia Lumia 635 phone being dropped.

Our stunning personalised Nokia cases come packaged in a tastefully designed gift box and are the perfect gift for the fussiest of recipients – even those who seem to have everything!

Why not get started on your own custom designer case today and protect your Nokia Lumia 635 while showcasing your own unique style.

Wallet Case Nokia Lumia 635 with pictures
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5 etoiles 5 /5 (1 customer Reviews)

Custom Nokia Lumia 635 Wallet case

Both functional and versatile, the slim Mobilinnov Wallet Book case for Nokia Lumia 635 offers card pockets, one ID window. Plus it has a built-in viewing stand. It's just the right combination of an elegant wallet and a protective case. Each Wallet Book is individually handcrafted and printed with meticulous attention to detail to preserve the unique characteristics.

  • Easy access to all ports and buttons
  • Camera lens/flash opening
  • Designed specifically for the Nokia Lumia 635
Brand: Nokia

The following shipping costs and delivery times from orders that are placed on Mobilinnov. For an approximate delivery date, add the delivery time with Production time indicated.

Eco Delivery : By letter without tracking number

Up to3/5 business days for United Kingdom - 5,00 EUR

Express Delivery : By specialized carrier with tracking number
Parcels delivered against signature
Up to 1/2 business days - 15,00 EUR

Production time is calculated daily based on the number of orders we have waiting to be printed.

Production time : 4 days
Shipped between 30/04/2024 and 03/05/2024

Nokia Lumia 635 case in a beautiful gift packaging

We have the attention to detail. Your product will be delivered in an elegant box. Ideal for a gift to offer. gift cases

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