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Silicone Cynus F6

Price : 23.34 $

Need some inspiration, look at the Cynus F6 tpu case of our creators.

Silicone Cynus F6 with pictures
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Custom Cynus F6 Gel Case

Made from a strong, durable material for long lasting protection

Each Silicone / Gel case is made from a special strong and durable gel material, which makes it flexible like silicone and tougher than a crystal case providing you with long lasting protection for your Cynus F6.

The material used gives a non-slip coating to the case for extra grip

The unique gel material used has a non-slip coating that provides you with extra grip for your phone, which minimises the chance of dropping your device - meaning this case is professional enough for work and sporty enough for play.

Slim fitting design adds no extra bulk and fits perfectly in your pocket

The Mobilinnov silicone case is designed to be slim, lightweight and strong - so you can be assured that this case will add virtually no extra bulk to your Cynus F6 so it will still fit in your pocket with ease.

Raised bezel on the case protects your Cynus F6's screen from scratches and dirt

This case has a raised bezel that prevents your Cynus F6's screen from coming into contact with any flat surface when you place the phone face down. This prevents your Cynus F6's screen from getting any unwanted scratches and dirt on it.

Cut-outs for all the Cynus F6's features and ports so you'll never need to take the case off

Each Mobilinnov Case has been designed specifically for the Cynus F6 and features cut-outs for the various ports and features such as the rear facing camera.

Customised Silicone Case Cynus F6

By customising this Cynus F6 silicone case for yourself or a loved one, you are sure to delight someone. This is a truly personal gift that shows you've put some special thought into it.

Brand: Mobistel

The following shipping costs and delivery times from orders that are placed on Mobilinnov. For an approximate delivery date, add the delivery time with Production time indicated.

Eco Delivery : By letter without tracking number

Up to3/5 business days for United Kingdom - 5,00 EUR

Express Delivery : By specialized carrier with tracking number
Parcels delivered against signature
Up to 1/2 business days - 15,00 EUR

Production time is calculated daily based on the number of orders we have waiting to be printed.

Production time : 4 days
Shipped between 18/04/2024 and 22/04/2024

Cynus F6 case in a beautiful gift packaging

We have the attention to detail. Your product will be delivered in an elegant box. Ideal for a gift to offer. gift cases

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